I am the horn within Nal,
Which pours forth the waters of Gjall.
Dancers swirl around the navel that is my earth.
My skeletal face is lost and found
in the shadows of the moon
My heart is the hole of the
The labyrinth is the whole of my
The spider’s web is cast
as the sun shining on water
Turn, turn, turn.
* * *
I am the water that encompasses all,
And the life that flows through time.
In my eyes,
life is but one single drop
Of water, cast upon my ocean.
Come sail your ships upon me,
And see that in me,
Are all things.
Four streams flow,
and all life they encompass.
Flow, flow, flow.
* * *
Maker the modir.
I spoke and brought forth life.
Words etched upon a lattice,
I am the language of thoughts
and birds.
Crystalline in the mind,
Mercurial in the dark.
I am the soul of poets,
The lover of dawn,
and the wolfen brood
Rune, rune, rune.
* * *
Svarte Sol er landa ljome,
I am the light of all worlds.
The black behind the gold
In disks thrown up from the void
am I seen,
And in them is the void glimpsed
From the centre to the edge,
My form appears,
Shot through with the black light
of hel,
Stars unto infinity.
Eternity under the star
Turn, turn, turn.
* * *
Trees and leaves and birds of fire.
Mine are the arms that spread
through all nine worlds.
The pulse of life runs through me,
As I run through it.
From heaven to hel
From hel to heaven
Of and within both worlds.
In icy blue am I made queen.
In the cold blue eternity of all
that is me.
In one seed is every tree.
And in wyrd is everything.
Grow, grow, grow.
* * *
Blood alone.
I am the blood of the sword,
And the blood of the womb.
Into me enter all souls,
Carried on the blackened beaks
of carrion crows.
My ribs are the bones of the world,
Bones as purest crystal,
The colour of spirit
When flesh decays away,
Only I remain.
Grim faced inviting.
Mother of the dead,
Mother of the living.
With all life,
Drowning in my blood
Drown, drown, drown.
* * *
The base is connected to the crown.
The link is as an eight
I am to be found beyond the eyes of
human kind
And in the magisterial spread of
the heavens.
Equations; calculations; theories,
All fail when faced with my enormity.
I am the unseen order of chaos.
I am the quickening of the soul.
The dragon, coiled round my tree,
Like the charge from base to crown,
All colours, all senses, all lives,
all thoughts.
The link is as an eight.